What I Appreciate About Relationships

Random calls from people who want to share something they just discovered and are excited to include me in their lives.
Spontaneous attempts at showing interest in my day.

Follow up questions that suggest that what I have to say might be worth hearing—even if it’s not.

Straightforward invitations so that I know without doubt that the other person actually wants to include me in what’s happening.

Humor—but not always occurring to me as a put down.

A simple statement that suggests that I matter.  “I’m thinking of you” or “I love you” doesn’t have to mean anything deep to make a difference for me.

A simple thank you for something I did right.   You have no idea how frequently I’m consumed by how much I’m screwing up, especially at this time in my life.

A hint of vulnerability.  Telling me something you don’t like about me is far more palatable to me than silent judgment.  

Being included.  I can tolerate adding me in last minute—barely!   (There had better be an attempt at being responsible for forgetting)



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