Coming To Completion

The best gift anybody could give me at this time is the chance to complete a broken relationship by bringing it to nothing.  My friend did this for me at a Cracker Barrel in Charlotte. She asked me five questions and listened patiently and fully until there was nothing more for me to say.  For each question, she would give me the chance to look again when I said I was finished. Each time, I had more that needed to be expressed. She then asked me to speak from the heart instead of my head. Another layer of hurt emerged and disappeared as I spoke.  

With that space now cleared, I was able to design what I want to be in a relationship in the future. The possibility I am now creating for myself, my life, and my relationship is the possibility of being audacious, generous, open-hearted, free-spirited, sensitive, sexy-bold, and connected.

My friend reminded me that at first, everything that is NOT my design will show up as breakdowns.  But in time, if I stay in integrity with my design I will experience myself as being all that I designed for myself in the relationship that works for me and for the other person.    She reminded me that I need to be a demand for workability in my relationship and be okay with moving on if it’s not present.

I have no idea what the future holds. But I am grateful for a friend who took the time to give me the ability to move on with grace and peace.


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