Broken Trust

What happens when trust crumbles and you both are standing there in the ruins?  You know you cannot trust your partner even though you desperately want to.  You also know that your partner will not trust you either, even though the reasons are completely different.

And the truth is that you no longer are partners, even though you still feel a strong connection and there seems to be all kinds of strings attached whether you want them there or not. What do you do?  Walk away?  Make amends?  Rebuild? Continue the charade?  Where do you begin?  The world of advise-givers challenge you to move on--quickly!  Stay away until the wounds heal, they say.  But your heart won't let you.

All attempts at reconciliation appear futile as if the entire process of communication has been obliterated by a new language barrier.  Only those failed statements you immediately regretted saying seem to stick and are quickly moved out of context to mean something far more sinister than you could have imagined.  And the silence is deafening.

You have all the reasons you need not to trust anymore.  Yet you're the one left somehow with the guilt.  You become aware that there never will be answers appropriate to explain what happened.  And you're left with the unexpected responsibility of proving your own trustworthiness when actual historical facts suggest it should have been the other way.

Yet you're the one committed to unconditional love and lifelong friendship.  So you stand there hoping for some kind of vulnerability.  And you wonder how long you will need to wait for answers.


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